Christmas tree farms near you near Tracadie, PE. Filter by sub-region or select one of the tree types.

You can find balsam fir, blue spruce, korean fir, white pine Christmas tree types near Tracadie, PE.

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There are 4 christmas tree farms near Tracadie, PE area!

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* We have no liability for the accuracy of the information provided. We strongly recommend that you to contact farm owners before taking a trip to the farm.

** If you have found an error or would like to recommend the Christmas tree farm, please contact us.

  Watts Tree Farm C0A 1R0 Montague, PE

Choosing a Christmas Tree from our rows of planted trees can be a fun experience for the whole family. We have Balsam Fir, Korean Fir and White Pine to choose from. We are open Saturdays and Sundays starting in November. Many people like to come out early, when the weather is good, to select their tree. We tag it and keep it right where it is, until you want it in December.

Christmas tree types at Watts Tree Farm:

Balsam Fir

Korean Fir

White Pine

Winter activities and services at Watts Tree Farm:

Cut your own

Fresh Cut Trees

Gift Shop

Wreaths and Garland